Latest update

The next Employee Communications Group will be held on September 20th at 2pm in Municipal Buildings, Falkirk.

The group is made up of volunteers from all areas of the Council. The first meeting earlier this year looked at the findings of the employee survey. The group also shared their views on how the Council communicates with employees and the barriers to good communication and came up with some creative ideas on how we can work together to improve things.

The next meeting will look at what's been done since we last met. The group will also be discussing a range of issues, including a revamped internal awards event, improving access to Inside Falkirk, our intranet site, and how we can make sure we are celebrating good news from across the Council.

If you would like to join the group, or have any ideas you want to put forward, please contact

Currently we're looking for more volunteers from Adult Social Work and Development Services.