Latest update

The second Employee Communications Group met last month, providing volunteers from across different services with an opportunity to help shape how the Council communicates with its staff.

Held in the Municipal Buildings on Thursday, September 20th, the volunteers listened to presentations on the proposed staff section of the Council's website, the communication training being rolled out to managers, and the Employee Handbook.

They were also asked to give their views on:

  • Whether they felt communications had improved, what was working well and what more could be done.
  • What information they’d like to see on the staff section of
  • Revamping Celebrating Success, the Council’s staff awards.
  • The role of noticeboards

The next meeting of the Employee Communications Groups has been provisionally set for Friday, January 18th at 2pm in Camelon Education Centre.

If you would like to join the group, or have any ideas you want to put forward, please contact