Falkirk Council Agenda - 26 May 2008, 09:30 
A meeting to be held at Municipal Buildings, Falkirk at 09:30 on 26 May 2008.
Number | Item |
1 | The following items of business were not considered at the ordinary meeting on 30 April 2008 and are the only items remaining for consideration at the reconvened meeting. Please see agenda of 30 April 2008 for reports. |
2 | POST OFFICE LTD NETWORK CHANGE PROGRAMME (This item has been called in to Council in terms of the Scheme of Delegation by Councillors Alexander and Kenna) Submit:- (i) Extract of Minute of Meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 8 April 2008; and (previously issued) (ii) Report by Chief Executive submitted to the meeting of Policy and Resources Committee held on 8 April 2008. (previously issued) View Papers |
3 | PROCUREMENT - SCOTLAND EXCEL (This item has been called in to Council in terms of the Scheme of Delegation by Councillors Alexander and Kenna) Submit:- (i) Extract of Minute of Meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 8 April 2008; and (previously issued) (ii) Report by Director of Corporate and Commercial Services submitted to the meeting of Policy and Resources Committee held on 8 April 2008. (previously issued) View Papers |
4 | NATIONAL AND REGIONAL FACILITIES STRATEGY (This item has been called in to Council in terms of the Scheme of Delegation by Councillors Alexander and Kenna) Submit:- (i) Extract of Minute of Meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 8 April 2008; and (previously issued) (ii) Report by Director of Community Services submitted to the meeting of Policy and Resources Committee held on 8 April 2008. (previously issued) View Papers |
5 | REFERRALS FROM COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE - 18 MARCH 2008 - LOCAL HEALTHCARE BILL - CONSULTATION PAPER (This item has been called in to Council in terms of the Scheme of Delegation by Councillors Alexander and Kenna) Submit:- (i) Extract of Minute of Meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 8 April 2008; and (previously issued) (ii) Report by Director of Corporate and Commercial Services submitted to the meeting of Policy and Resources Committee held on 8 April 2008. (previously issued) View Papers |
6 | REFERRALS FROM EDUCATION AND LEISURE COMMITTEE - 25 MARCH 2008 - CULTURAL CO-ORDINATORS (This item has been called in to Council in terms of the Scheme of Delegation by Councillors Alexander and Kenna) Submit:- (i) Extract of Minute of Meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 8 April 2008; and (previously issued) (ii) Report by Director of Education Services submitted to the meeting of Policy and Resources Committee held on 8 April 2008. (previously issued) View Papers |
7 | REFERRAL FROM HOUSING AND SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE - 1 APRIL 2008 LOCAL HOUSING STRATEGY - DRAFT HOMELESSNESS STRATEGY 2008 - 13 (This item has been called in to Council in terms of the Scheme of Delegation by Councillors Alexander and Kenna) Submit:- (i) Extract of Minute of Meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 8 April 2008; and (previously issued) (ii) Report by Director of Corporate and Commercial Services submitted to the meeting of Housing and Social Services Committee held on 1 April 2008. (previously issued) View Papers |
8 | REFERRAL FROM ENVIRONMENT AND HERITAGE - 15 APRIL 2008 PROGRESS REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK FOR THE FORMER RSNH SITE, LARBERT (This item has been called in to Council in terms of the Scheme of Delegation by Councillors Coleman, J Constable and McNally) Submit:- (i) Extract of Minute of Meeting of the Environment and Heritage Committee held on 15 April 2008; and (previously issued) (ii) Report by Director of Development Services submitted to the meeting of the Environment and Heritage Committee held on 15 April 2008. (previously issued) View Papers |
9 | TO SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT'S CLIMATE CHANGE BILL: CONSULTATION RESPONSE Submit Report by Director of Development Services. (previously issued) View Papers |
10 | CONVENTION OF SCOTTISH LOCAL AUTHORITIES: MEMBERSHIP Submit Report by Acting Director of Law and Administration Services. (previously issued) View Papers |
11 | FLAG FLYING AT MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS, FALKIRK Submit Report by Acting Director of Law and Administration Services. (previously issued) View Papers |
12 | NOTICES OF MOTION - CONTINUED FROM FALKIRK COUNCIL - 5 MARCH 2008 (c) Alcohol Misuse "Council welcomes the commitment of the Justice Secretary, Kenny MacAskill, to tackle the problems of alcohol misuse. The ethos of drinking to get drunk is one of the main contributions to anti-social behaviour, crime and health issues within our communities. Council agree to work with the Justice Secretary to tackle this growing problem by taking the lead locally by: 1.Arranging a local conference of stake holders including representatives of the drink industry, health, police and community groups to begin the process of developing a strategy for the changing of the public attitude. 2.Regular updates at Community Health & Safety of the development of the strategy and its implementation. 3. Instructs Officers to prepare a report for Community Health and Safety on how the policy direction above can be implemented. Proposed by Councillor G Thomson (e) Forth Ports Plc "This Council welcomes the decision taken by Forth Ports PLC not to proceed with controversial plans to allow ship-to-ship oil transfers in the Firth of Forth. Faced with such unanimous opposition to the proposals, which could have had a devastating environmental impact on the Forth shoreline and marine habitats, Forth Ports had no option but to take the decision they now have. This Council also welcomes the strong stance taken by the Environment Minister Richard Lochhead and the SNP Government against the ship-to-ship oil transfer proposal, which made clear that any assessments completed by Forth Ports could be subject to an independent review, which clearly had a bearing on the decision not to proceed. However, Council notes with concern the ludicrous situation still in place since the privatisation of Forth Ports Authority by the previous Conservative UK Government which allows Forth Ports PLC to act as judge and jury as the local Harbour Authority as well as a private company whose aim is to maximise profits for shareholders. This Council therefore resolves to approach UK and Scottish Ministers with a view to scrapping the anomaly and conflict of interest that currently exists under Forth Ports". Proposed by Councillor A MacDonald (f) Post Office Network "Falkirk Council notes with great disappointment the decision of the Post Office Network to reject the balanced submissions made by and on behalf of the seven View Papers |
13 | NOTICE OF MOTION Bo'ness Town Centre - Parking Charges "Council recognises the legitimate concerns of Bo'ness Town Centre users and traders and agrees with them that the introduction of car parking charges would be a crippling imposition on the already fragile town centre economy. Council further recognises that the imposition of such charges in car parks in the other outlying town and village shopping centre would be significantly damage trade in those other centres to the detriment of local businesses and the local community Council therefore resolves that under no circumstances will parking charges be applied to car parks in any of the outlying town and village centres during the remainder of the of this Council terms of office". Proposed by Councillor J Constable |
14 | EXECUTION OF DEEDS Submit Report by Acting Director of Law and Administration. (previously issued) View Papers |