Falkirk Council Agenda - 25 June 2014, 09:30 
A meeting to be held at Council Chambers, Municipal Buildings, Falkirk at 09:30 on 25 June 2014.
Number | Item |
2 | DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in any item of business at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of the interest. |
(a) | Minute of Meeting of Falkirk Council held on 14 May 2014; View Papers |
(b) | Volume of Minutes - Volume 1 2014/15, and View Papers |
(c) | Information Bulletin - Volume 1 2014/2015. View Papers |
4 | QUESTIONS Questions submitted in accordance with Standing Orders. (To Follow) |
5 | POLICE SCOTLAND LOCAL PLAN 2014-2017 Report by the Director of Corporate and Neighbourhood Services. View Papers |
6 | TREASURY MANAGEMENT ANNUAL REVIEW 2013/14 Report by the Chief Finance Officer. View Papers |
7 | ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2013/14 Report by the Chief Finance Officer. View Papers |
8 | FALKIRK COMMUNITY TRUST - DIRECTOR APPOINTMENTS Report by the Chief Executive. View Papers |
9 | ETHICAL STANDARDS IN PUBLIC LIFE ETC. (SCOTLAND) ACT 2000 Report by the Chief Governance Officer. (Note: this item was continued from the meeting held on 14 May 2014) View Papers |
10 | EXECUTION OF DEEDS Report by the Chief Governance Officer. View Papers |
12 | NOTICES OF MOTION Notices of motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 29 are set out below. Motions that refer to matters within the remit of the Executive, or Education Executive, will stand referred to the appropriate body, without discussion, unless:- (1) special circumstances exist which, in opinion of the Provost (having consulted with the Council Leader and the Leader of the Opposition) requires an exception to be made; (2) two thirds of the members present vote in favour of the matter being discussed; or (3) the motion raises an issue with significant impact on the Council area which the Provost, having consulted with the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition, considers suitable for debate at Council. The following motions are reserved to Council. |
(a) | Members Attendance at Conferences Council notes that in order to attend a conference an elected member must receive the authority of the Executive through a report to that body. However, no such requirement is necessary for a member to travel abroad on behalf of or as part of a delegation. Council views this as an unnecessary inconsistency and agrees that in order to ensure maximum openness and transparency that Standing Orders be amended to replicate the requirements in place for attendance at conferences with trips abroad Proposed by Councillor Alexander View Papers |
(b) | Audit Scotland There are 'difficulties' regarding the Council's current decision making structures which has led to the non-participation of members of the Opposition. Audit Scotland has already indicated concern and a report is expected. To acknowledge this problem and that council are attempting to address it, it would be prudent that a review of the supporting administrative systems is undertaken. Motion That Falkirk Council form an All Party Working Group tasked with reviewing the existing Standing Orders of Council. Proposed by Councillor Spears View Papers |
(c) | The following motions stand referred to the Executive unless otherwise determined by the Provost, having consulted with the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition. Bonnybridge Muga Park To bring this matter to finality and to bring this long awaited Muga to our community, I would move the following. The Muga pitch should be sited at Antonine Primary School. The facility would be shared by both Antonine Primary School and St Joseph's Primary School. It is supported by staff and parents of both schools and its location would not be detrimental to any residential areas. In moving his motion I am well aware that should this proposal come forward to the planning committee then I would not take part in the decision making but I am like the community despairing of any real progress for our Muga. Proposed by Baillie Buchanan View Papers |
(d) | Denny Eastern Access Road Following the recent decision by the Directorate of Planning and Environmental Appeals (DPEA) that removed the requirement by MacTaggart & Mickel to contribute £550k towards the construction of the Denny Eastern Access Road (DEAR) the Council's strategy for building this road as noted in the Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) is now in serious jeopardy. As this project can't be delivered within a reasonable timescale under current policy, Council therefore notes that an alternative strategy must be put in place to enhance the current SPG and allow the completion of this vital road artery. Council therefore instructs officers to bring back a report to Full Council indicating how we can achieve our goal of building this road. Proposed by Councillors Oliver and McNally View Papers |
(e) | Spend to Save at the New Carriden Cemetery That council bring back a report with proposals to bring the New Carriden Cemetery up to the design specification build as previously promised. Proposed by Councillor Ritchie View Papers |
(f) | Zero Hours Contracts Falkirk Council claims to be an "ethical employer" and has claimed that it does not support the concept of"Zero Hours Contracts." However, some of the workforce such as those who qualify as graduates from the "Employment and Training Opportunities (ETO)" into the Refuse Collection Service enter on a retained as required basis. This means that graduates remain in the employment of Falkirk Council face all the restrictions imposed on individuals by the Department of Work & Pensions (DWP) with no guaranteed hours; this is effectively Zero Hours Contracts by another name. Council therefore requests a report from the Chief Executive with a breakdown and numbers and groups of employees who have similar terms and conditions to the next meeting of Falkirk Council so that members may take a balanced and informed view on how these employees can be best protected. Proposed by Councillor Alexander View Papers |