Falkirk Council Agenda - 09 May 2018, 09:30 
A meeting to be held at Council Chambers, Municipal Buildings, Falkirk at 09:30 on 09 May 2018.
Number | Item |
Record of Votes View Papers | |
1 | Sederunt |
2 | Declarations of Interest Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in any item of business at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of the interest. |
3 | Minutes and Information Bulletin |
(a) | Minute of Meeting of Falkirk Council held on 7 March 2018; View Papers |
(b) | Minute of Special Meeting of Falkirk Council held on 5 April 2018; View Papers |
(c) | Volume of Minutes - Volume 4 2017/18, and View Papers |
(d) | Information Bulletin - Volume 4 2017/18. View Papers |
4 | Questions Questions submitted in accordance with Standing Orders will be published in advance of the meeting. |
5 | Rolling Action Log View Papers |
6 | Referral from Executive - 10 April 2018 Treasury Management Strategy 2018/19 Report by the Director of Corporate and Housing Services. View Papers |
7 | Decision Making Structure Report by the Chief Executive. View Papers |
8 | Appointments Report by the Director of Corporate and Housing Services. View Papers |
(a) | Appointments Report by the Director of Corporate and Housing Services. View Papers |
9 | Execution of Deeds Report by the Director of Corporate and Housing Services. View Papers |
10 | Motions Notices of motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 29 are set out below. Motions that refer to matters within the remit of the Executive, or Education Executive, will stand referred to the appropriate body, without discussion, unless:- (1) special circumstances exist which, in opinion of the Provost (having consulted with the Council Leader and the Leader of the Opposition) requires an exception to be made; (2) two thirds of the members present vote in favour of the matter being discussed; or (3) the motion raises an issue with significant impact on the Council area which the Provost, having consulted with the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition, considers suitable for debate at Council. The following motion is reserved to Council:- |
(a) | Council recognises the importance of representation on outside bodies such as COSLA and believes that where decisions are taken that impact on Falkirk Council Services the local authority should be represented. Each member selected to represent Falkirk Council has a responsibility to act in the best interests of the Council and the people we represent. Council therefore agrees to the following:- (1) On topical issues or matters of major policy of funding determined or influenced by an external body the Council through the Chief Executive will receive a report of the board content as soon as possible but no later than 5 working days from the item being discussed. External boards such as the IJB where senior officers/officers sit will be exempt; (2) In addition to the above, single members appointed to an external body on behalf of Falkirk Council will produce an annual report giving a summary of their activities including their attendance record. Where more than one member is involved these members will agree amongst themselves who shall report back; (3) Where a member misses three consecutive meetings that member will either step aside voluntarily or a report will be submitted to Council and that member may be removed; (4) Request that the Chief Executive oversee the inclusion of these reports within the appropriate Council agendas; and (5) As the four COSLA boards were established to include the spokespersons from each authority with only Falkirk noncompliant Council therefore agrees that when an elected delegate is unable to attend the relevant portfolio holder will replace that member as a substitute. Proposed by Councillor Alexander View Papers |
(b) | The following motions stand referred to the Executive unless otherwise determined by the Provost, having consulted with the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition. Family Cap Council notes with concern the implementation of the two child limit for tax credits for children born after 05/04/17 and for new claims for Universal Credit, and in particular notes concerns over the socalled "rape clause" which, in order to receive financial support for a third child, forces women to disclosure sexual violence at a time and context not of their own choosing. Council therefore agrees to: (1) Write to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to express the concern of members of Falkirk Council and seek assurances that comprehensive equality impact assessment, fully exploring the impact of the family cap and the cumulative impact of social security changes on women, children, families and equality groups, have been carried out and that impact will continue to be closely monitored; (2) Write to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities, Social Security and Equalities to seek assurances that the Scottish Government will commissioning ongoing national and local analysis of the impact of the family cap on key shared policy priorities such as equality, in work poverty, child poverty and health and wellbeing outcomes; and (3) Instruct the Chief Executive to ensure the training needs of Falkirk Council staff across all departments are considered, in particular for advice and social work, to be able to approach the issue of non consensual conception of a third child with women who are making benefit claims, including appropriate referral routes, and any additional resources that required to be allocated or commissioned; and provide this report to the next full Council. Proposed by Councillor Collie |
(c) | Progressive Closure of the Forth & Clyde, and Union Canals The Council expresses its concern that Scottish Canals are closing bridges because repairs are needed which they say they cannot afford, and reducing operating times, and so gradually closing the Lowland Canals. The Council also expresses concern at the loss of the purpose of the Millennium Link restoration - which was to bring the canals back to life from City to City and Sea to Sea. The Council notes that Scottish Canal's total grant and earned income has been rising, but the amount being spent on maintaining the canals has fallen, and is concerned that once boats stop moving through the canal, it will once again be full of weed and become a festering eyesore to the detriment of the many new housing and commercial developments that have been attracted to its banks. The Council supports the campaign by canal based voluntary groups to keep the canals alive and asks all those who funded the Millennium Link, including this Council and the Scottish Government, to urge the Board of Scottish Canals to meet their statutory obligations to keep the canals maintained and open for use. Proposed by Councillor Coleman View Papers |
(d) | Single Use Plastics Council recognises the efforts of volunteers across our communities who have been engaging in "Spring Clean" litterˇpicks over recent weeks and thanks all those involved for their determination to make a positive contribution to their community and the environment. Council further notes the damaging amount of single use disposable plastics, such as plastic drinking straws, which have been detected along our own foreshores, and which have been highlighted as a global problem for our environment, with particularly damaging consequences for marine life. Council recognises the efforts of campaigns such as "The Final Straw" campaign, aimed at minimising the environmental damage caused by single use disposable plastics and resolves to take a lead locally in combating unnecessary plastic pollution. Council instructs officers to undertake an immediate review to establish where single use disposable plastics, such as plastic straws and hot beverage stirrers, are in use across all Council facilities and services. The results of this review should be reported to the Council's Executive at the earliest opportunity following completion with a report on progress provided to the Executive prior to summer recess. The report will advise on where immediate removal of such items can be practically and commercially achieved and where further work is necessary to put into effect the desire of Council to minimise all unnecessary procurement of single use disposable plastics. In doing so, officers will consult with disability advisors to ensure that all those who require the use of straws or other single use disposable plastic items, due to their disability, will have easy access to a suitable alternative where possible, or continue to be able to access plastic items where no alternative is deemed appropriate. Council notes the efforts of other councils to implement similar policies and will liaise with partners at Scotland Excel on the best procurement options available to make any necessary transitions as cost effective as possible. Council further commits to writing to Falkirk Community Trust to advise of this change to Council policy and ask that a similar policy be considered by the Trust board at its next meeting. Proposed by Councillor Murtagh |