Falkirk Council Agenda - 20 October 2017, 09:30 Help

A meeting to be held at Council Chambers, Municipal Buildings, Falkirk at 09:30 on 20 October 2017.

Number Item
The meeting having been called by the following members:-

Councillors Goldie, Buchanan, Black, Bisset, McLuckie, Blackwood, Kerr and Nimmo.
2Declarations of Interest

Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in any item of business at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of the interest.
3Motions View Papers
(a)At the meeting of the Council's Executive on Tuesday 26th of September 2017, the Leader of the Council, Cecil Meiklejohn, whilst discussing agenda item 9 Strategic Property Review: Abbotsford House, stated in relation to other sites for a new Council building " What concerns me Councillor Goldie is that you spoke about obviously discussions you have had with colleagues within your Council Administration that were not shared with others regarding particular sites and I want to make it clear that, that was not something involved in the discussions I was involved in."

The Statement by Councillor Meiklejohn infers that I as an individual, and the Council administration at the time did not make it clear that when trying to find a solution to the Councils Headquarters requirements the Callendar Square Shopping Centre was at that time an option. Councillor Meiklejohn was present at the Meeting of the full Council on Monday 19th of December, when I as portfolio holder for economic development advised Council that Callendar Square was an option and that discussions had taken place in this regard. Councillor Meiklejohn submitted apologies to a meeting of the Strategic Property Review on Tuesday the 7th of February 2017 and sent her deputy Councillor Garner in her place.

Item 2 on the agenda for this meeting. Was a presentation by the Head of Economic Development and Environmental Services on four potential options for a town Centre HQ. The agenda shows the first option to be discussed was Callendar Square -including arts centre; Also in attendance at this meeting was former Councillor Brian McCabe of the Naig group. Apologies were submitted by Depute Provost John Patrick (all political groups were therefore given the opportunity to discuss and ask questions regarding the proposal for Callendar Square.)

Council seeks more clarity on this statement from Councillor Meiklejohn and having heard Mrs Meiklejohn further on this issue, Council will determine what action if any should be taken against Cecil Meiklejohn, Leader of the Council.
(b)At the meeting of the Council's Executive on Tuesday 26th of September 2017 members present heard from officers, in particular the Director of Development Services on agenda item 9 Strategic Property Review : Abbotsford House, the members present agreed after discussion to take this item in private and exclude the public. The Executive agreed that the Director of Development Services be authorised to make an offer, on behalf of the Council, to purchase Abbotsford House at the price contained in the report.

Council now calls upon the Director of Development Services to bring forward to the next scheduled meeting of Falkirk Council on 6 December a full report detailing what works if any need to be carried out to Abbotsford House if the purchase goes ahead and indicating what budget provision, if any, has been made for such work.