Falkirk Council Agenda - 14 December 2022, 10:00 Help

A meeting to be held at Remote at 10:00 on 14 December 2022.

Number Item
Record of Votes View Papers
In accordance with section 43 of the Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 the Provost has directed that this meeting will be conducted in such a manner as to allow remote attendance by elected members.

The meeting will be livestreamed via the Council website at:-
2Declarations of Interest

Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in any item of business at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of the interest.
3Minutes and Information Bulletin
(a)Minute of Meeting of Falkirk Council held on 28 September 2022;  View Papers
(b)Minute of Special Meeting of Falkirk Council held on 27 October 2022;  View Papers
(c)Volume of Minutes - Volume 2 2022/23, and View Papers
(d)Information Bulletin - Volume 2 2022/23.  View Papers
4Rolling Action Log  View Papers
5Referral from Executive - Treasury Management Interim Review 2022/23

Report by the Director of Transformation, Communities and Corporate Services.
 View Papers
6Tackling Poverty in Falkirk - Additional Support to Low-income Households

Report by the Chief Executive.
 View Papers
7FTH Closure: Voluntary Arts Support

Report by the Director of Place Services.
 View Papers
8Budget Report

Report by the Director of Transformation, Communities and Corporate Services.
 View Papers
9IJB Business Case 2023/24

Report by the Director of Transformation, Communities and Corporate Services.
 View Papers
10Annual Report of the Chief Social Work Officer 2021-22

Report by the Chief Social Work Officer.
Note - Standing Order 20.20 applies to this agenda item
 View Papers
11Falkirk Integration Joint Board Report

Report by the Chief Officer, Health & Social Care Partnership.
Note - Standing Order 20.20 applies to this agenda item
 View Papers
12Execution of Deeds

Report by the Director of Transformation, Communities and Corporate Services.
 View Papers

Four motions submitted in accordance with Standing Order 29 are set out below. All four motions are reserved to Council.
(a)Reinstate Free After Three in Falkirk Town Centre

At its Budget Meeting in March, Council agreed to withdraw the Free After Three parking arrangements at Council owned car parks in Falkirk Town Centre achieving a saving of £50k.

Council recognises that this was an error which has had a detrimental effect on the Town Centre that is not justified by the small saving achieved. The Council agreed in its plan that one of its three priorities was a thriving economy. Maintaining this cut is not consistent with that priority.

Council accordingly resolves to restore the Free After Three provision in Falkirk Town Centre with immediate effect with the income loss (estimated at £20k) met for this financial year from reserves.

Council also agrees that the budget for this provision should be reinstated for future financial years.

Proposed by Provost Bissett
(b)Re-opening of Public Toilets

Council notes that it is now more than six months since the decision was taken at the Budget meeting to close the public toilets at Falkirk, Grangemouth and Bo'ness.

Council accepts that this was the wrong decision which had negatively impacted on town centres and removed an important facility.

Council further notes that all three facilities remain intact needing only to have water and electricity re-connected.

Council resolves to re-open the toilets as soon as is practicable and in particular as soon as staff can be recruited to service them.

Council acknowledges that this will cost £12.5k per month for the remainder of this financial year and agrees that this should be met from reserves and that the budget for 23/24 should be restored for ongoing provision.

Proposed by Councillor Nimmo
(c)Reports to Council

Council recognises that to allow sustainable outcomes for its communities, it requires accurate information be provided by officers as part of the decision-making process. With a new Council and relatively new Corporate Management team in place, it is timely to review the format and content of reports provided to Council and its committees. Any review would consider how reports distinguish between fact and opinion. This will help members and officers assess the types of information contained in reports and give due weight to both.

It is proposed, in the spirit of collaborative leadership, that a member-officer working group is established, comprising representatives of Councillor groups and the Chief Executive, Chief Governance Officer and the 3 Service Directors.

Proposed by Councillor McCabe
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(d)Convenor Remuneration

Council acknowledges implementation of the Local Governance (Scotland) Act 2004 (Remuneration) Regulations 2007 scheme should be fair, equitable and applied in an open and transparent way. Council will recall that when the current settlement was agreed, there was concern among members that some roles, in particular the Scrutiny Convener and Champions, were not remunerated.

Council is asked to endorse the immediate remuneration of Scrutiny. Council further agrees to establish a short life working group with one representative from each group, supported by officers, to consider the current scheme and make recommendations that would improve its application.

Proposed by Councillor Spears
 View Papers
14Exclusion of Public

If so resolved in terms of Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, exclude from the meeting the press and public for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7 of the said Act.
15Equal Pay and Holiday Pay Update

Report by the Director of Transformation, Communities and Corporate Services.