Submission History: Decision Making Structure Council notes that:- i. when the current decision making structure was agreed in 2013 the Administration could command a majority in the Council and both the Administration and the Opposition were in large part comprised of either Labour or SNP members. ii. the situation changed radically at the last election with the Council now consisting in large part of three large political groups from which no coalition has been formed, leading to a minority Administration. Council agrees that some aspects of the decision making structure are no longer sustainable, in particular, the inbuilt supermajority for a minority Administration on the Executive and Education Executive. Council agrees that in future both the Executive and the Education Executive should be politically balanced between political groups to properly reflect the balance of the Council and the votes of our citizens. Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Decision Making Structure Council notes that:- i. when the current decision making structure was agreed in 2013 the Administration could command a majority in the Council and both the Administration and the Opposition were in large part comprised of either Labour or SNP members. ii. the situation changed radically at the last election with the Council now consisting in large part of three large political groups from which no coalition has been formed, leading to a minority Administration. Council agrees that some aspects of the decision making structure are no longer sustainable, in particular, the inbuilt supermajority for a minority Administration on the Executive and Education Executive. Council agrees that in future both the Executive and the Education Executive should be politically balanced between political groups to properly reflect the balance of the Council and the votes of our citizens. ".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

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Falkirk Council 05/04/2018 Click here