Submission History: Application under Section 42 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, as Amended, for Variation of Deemed Planning Permission (Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit Ref EC00005229) to the Extent that Condition 18 thereof is modified as follows: Prior to the Commencement of the Development, Except for Site Preparation, Ground and Enabling Works, the Remediation Works Identified in the Approved Remediation Strategy Shall be Carried out in Accordance with the Terms of that Strategy. No Part of the Development shall be Occupied Until a Remediation Completion Report or Validation Certificate has been Submitted to the Planning Authority and Approved at Site to the West of Forth Ports Plc, Central Dock Road, Grangemouth, for Forth Ports Limited - P/18/0324/VRC Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Application under Section 42 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, as Amended, for Variation of Deemed Planning Permission (Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit Ref EC00005229) to the Extent that Condition 18 thereof is modified as follows: Prior to the Commencement of the Development, Except for Site Preparation, Ground and Enabling Works, the Remediation Works Identified in the Approved Remediation Strategy Shall be Carried out in Accordance with the Terms of that Strategy. No Part of the Development shall be Occupied Until a Remediation Completion Report or Validation Certificate has been Submitted to the Planning Authority and Approved at Site to the West of Forth Ports Plc, Central Dock Road, Grangemouth, for Forth Ports Limited - P/18/0324/VRC".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Planning 19/03/2019 Click here