Submission History: Erection of 18 Dwellinghouses, 21 Flatted Dwellings, Associated Landscaping, Roads and Drainage Infrastructure at Land To The South of Hill of Kinnaird Farmhouse, Falkirk for CALA Homes (West) Ltd - P/18/0311/FUL - Continuation Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Erection of 18 Dwellinghouses, 21 Flatted Dwellings, Associated Landscaping, Roads and Drainage Infrastructure at Land To The South of Hill of Kinnaird Farmhouse, Falkirk for CALA Homes (West) Ltd - P/18/0311/FUL - Continuation".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Planning 24/04/2019 Click here