Submission History: Council recognises and values the progress made in delivering an accessible online resource for paying bills etc. Council asks that further work be done to enable those on low incomes to pay their bills in whatever way they find easiest. Council will ensure that all 3 hubs are open at lunchtime and that members of the public are able to pay their bills at a time convenient to then and in particular during lunchtime. Council asks that the Director of Corporate and Housing Services report back to the next meeting to confirm that this has been done and that if there are any budgetary implications to advise what those are. Council request that the Scrutiny Committee considers the impact and effectiveness of the hubs as a subject for scrutiny. Proposed by Councillor McLuckie Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Council recognises and values the progress made in delivering an accessible online resource for paying bills etc. Council asks that further work be done to enable those on low incomes to pay their bills in whatever way they find easiest. Council will ensure that all 3 hubs are open at lunchtime and that members of the public are able to pay their bills at a time convenient to then and in particular during lunchtime. Council asks that the Director of Corporate and Housing Services report back to the next meeting to confirm that this has been done and that if there are any budgetary implications to advise what those are. Council request that the Scrutiny Committee considers the impact and effectiveness of the hubs as a subject for scrutiny. Proposed by Councillor McLuckie".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Falkirk Council 25/09/2019 Click here