Submission History: Convenor Remuneration Council acknowledges implementation of the Local Governance (Scotland) Act 2004 (Remuneration) Regulations 2007 scheme should be fair, equitable and applied in an open and transparent way. Council will recall that when the current settlement was agreed, there was concern among members that some roles, in particular the Scrutiny Convener and Champions, were not remunerated. Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Convenor Remuneration Council acknowledges implementation of the Local Governance (Scotland) Act 2004 (Remuneration) Regulations 2007 scheme should be fair, equitable and applied in an open and transparent way. Council will recall that when the current settlement was agreed, there was concern among members that some roles, in particular the Scrutiny Convener and Champions, were not remunerated. ".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Falkirk Council 14/12/2022 Click here