Latest update

Savings options that will help the Council address the estimated £18m funding gap for 2019/2020 will be presented to the Executive on November 27th.

The outline plans for the next financial year from Children’s Services, Corporate & Housing Services and Development Services will form the basis of year one of the five-year business plans currently being compiled by directors.

Once completed, the five-year business plans will provide elected members with options on how each service could meet the savings targets laid down in the Medium Term Financial Plan - and help the Council bridge its £60m+ funding gap by 2023.

The key savings proposals for the next financial year include a potential reduction in workforce of 180 posts across services. Managers are set to brief staff potentially affected by the proposals between November 20th and 26th.

A decision regarding the savings options for 2019/2020 will be taken by the Council at its budget meeting in February. No decision on the proposals will be taken by the Executive.

The summary of savings options can be found in the Revenue Budget/Medium Term Financial Plan.

The Community Trust and Integration Joint Board savings options/business plans will be submitted separately on December 5th.