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On average two people die by suicide every day in Scotland. That’s two people who might be members of our family, our friends, our neighbours or our work colleagues.

Suicide is tragic but it is preventable and this Suicide Prevention Week (September 9th to 15th) aims to highlight how we can all save a life by talking openly and asking someone if they are thinking about suicide if we are worried about them.

‘Ask. Tell. Save a Life’ is this year’s message from NHS Health Scotland. The organisation has produced online resources, in conjunction with NHS Education for Scotland, to raise awareness of the issues often faced by people that can sometimes led them to think about taking their own life.

The campaign acknowledges that the signs of suicide can be difficult to spot but encourages people to take all signs of distress seriously, even if it seems a person is living a normal life, and provides assurances that asking a person about what’s troubling them can make a positive difference.

The resources include three animations:

If you are having suicidal thoughts or thinking about self-harm, remember you are not alone. Support is available from a range of organisations including Samaritans who you can call 24/7 on 116 123 and Breathing Space.