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Brown bin collections are to restart from 18 May 2020 in the Falkirk area, assuming no further disruptions. Recycling centres remain closed for the time being, in line with national guidance.

What are we collecting right now?

At present the following services are operating:

  • residual
  • food caddy
  • absorbent hygiene products
  • black box
  • blue bin
  • burgundy bin
  • bulky collections (since 28 April 2020)

Restarting brown bin collections

Moving forward we are working towards restarting brown bin collections, with the aim of having this service in place for the week commencing 18 May, meaning all kerbside collection services will be in operation.

Online bin calendars will be updated prior to the service restarting, to include brown bin collection dates.

Additional brown bins

If you paid for an additional brown bin last year and missed a collection in March, this will be delivered on the first brown bin collection cycle after restart as above. 

Thereafter, residents who want a second brown bin collection that attracts a charge will need to pay an annual fee of £20.00, reduced to recognise that a full year’s service cannot be provided.

Recycling centres

The recycling centres at Roughmute and Kinneil remain closed. Arrangements have been put in place to allow these facilities to open as soon as national guidance is revised and in conjunction with the other 31 Councils. 

This is because travel to household waste recycling centres is not classed as an essential journey in Scotland, under Scottish Government advice. Because of this, recycling centres remain closed in all local authority areas in Scotland – and it's likely to stay that way until the advice changes.

Local authorities are taking practical steps to consider under what circumstances centres could reopen, once the national travel advice is changed. This work includes considering how physical distancing at centres can be maintained in order to help protect staff and members of the public.

Traffic management systems will be in place ensuring the health and safety of our staff and visitors whilst on site, in accordance with guidelines.

Information relating to the measures being put in place will be displayed at our sites and on the Council website.