Latest update
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We need a clear set of priorities to help us successfully navigate our way in a post-pandemic world – and our elected members play a key role in deciding what they'll be.

Tomorrow (June 16th), councillors will take part in a virtual consultation exercise that will provide them with an opportunity to feed in their thoughts, based on the needs of their constituents.

The findings, which will be reported back to the Emergency Executive on June 25th, will help lay down the priorities that will inform decision-making moving forward.

Drawing up a roadmap

The priorities will also underpin the direction of travel of our five-year business plan and refreshed corporate plan, both of which will be reported in September.

Following agreement at Emergency Executive on June 11th, service recovery plans will be incorporated into the business plan to ensure processes and decisions are streamlined and joined-up.

This approach will make best use of the resources available to us and will align recovery with the Council of the Future change programme to help us:

  • transform working practices
  • be more ambitious in our scope of priority projects, including how we use our buildings
  • build on the progress made with our communities through Support for People
  • progress our digital roadmap
  • support local economic recovery

While our corporate plan will focus on service priorities including poverty, equalities & diversity and climate change & sustainability.

Engagement exercises with communities, businesses, and employees will also be undertaken over the coming weeks and months to shape key aspects of both the business and corporate plan.