
Projects & Recovery

Strategic Property Review

  • SPR workshop taking place with Elected Members in June
  • Increase number of people now working from home will have an impact on office space requirements
  • Future service delivery models will also impact the wider property portfolio
  • We must ensure any property is re-opened in a co-ordinated approach

Council HQ & Arts Centre

  • Work has been undertaken to reimagine the brief
  • Current ways of working are beginning the culture change that was required
  • Work will be undertaken with CMT and Elected Members to identify what the priorities are for project

Green Travel Plan

  • Current situation has resulted in a reduced need for unnecessary travel
  • Once plan agreed for reopening of offices, specific solutions will be implemented for specific buildings
  • Green travel plan will be updated to reflect new opportunities such as the scoot to school initiative
  • Travel hierarchy will be updated to reflect the anytime anywhere principles

Fit for the Future – Anytime Anywhere

  • 4 workstreams have been set up to look at the various aspects of returning to work safely
  • Services need to consider what the new norm is for how they deliver services
  • CMT need to be promoting working from home as much as possible
  • Consideration to be given to using digital solutions as much as possible and reducing the number of paper which office 365 will assist with

Action plan templates

1 x significant action/decision for the project

  • Strategic Property Review: Information gathering of buildings in use and the new service delivery models
  • Council HQ & Arts Centre: when the time is right to engage with CMT and Elected Members on reimagining the brief/vision for project
  • Green Travel Plan: clarity needed on when staff will be retuning to work and in what manner to inform green travel plan
  • Fit for the Future – Anytime Anywhere: an audit is required of each building to assess capacity and be clear on contamination and cross contamination by reducing number of people in office at one time
  • Fit for the Future – Communications:a communications and engagement strategy will be guided by the recovery plan, COTF business plan and Council vision

Change Fund

  • The SPR was awarded change fund monies in 19/20 and will be appointing resource to assist with Workstream 1 of the SPR – community assets and the school estate

Captial bids

  • Funding will be required for equipment for people to work from home and hot desk safely.
  • The Corporate Asset Management will be co-ordinating any SPR capital bid submissions

Key messages

  • Work is underway to incorporate any lessons learned into project scopes
  • Distinct reports will be taken to CMT on the SPR, Council HQ & Arts Centre and Anytime Anywhere
  • The Green Travel Plan and Travel Hierarchy will be updated and circulated to the Transformational Enablers Workstream Board for comment.

Date of next meeting: TBC