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Project Progress
Closer to Communities with Community Choices
- Project being rescoped to include lessons learnt from COVID-19 and include community choices. Scoping to be completed by 24/12/20
Closer to Home
- Project progress reported as amber due to COVID-19 impact. Phase 2 of the Closer to Home strategy is being finalised. Challenges around resources to deliver project.
Communities Shaping Falkirk’s Future
- Project to be fully scoped by 24 December
Succeed Today, Excel Tomorrow (STET)
- Project Plan being updated
- PID will be revised to include all dependencies
- Review with Children’s Services Heads of Service to ensure all service dependencies identified.
Transformation of Roads & Grounds
- Reported with amber status due to delays in negotiations of T&Cs.
Advice Hubs/Spokes
- Amber progress status awaiting decision on interim location for Central Hub. Agreement reached with Elected Members to locate at Falkirk Library.
Redesign of Housing Property
- Project progressing as planned. Service Design team engaged. Define/Design and deliver workshops planned for Nov-Jan.
- All projects to share draft committee papers prepared with workstream board for information and comment
- Redesign of Housing Property project to share lessons learnt with Transformation of Roads and Grounds for support with trading accounts and T&C negotiations.
- Reporting – needs to be clear and concise. Focus on milestone delivery with consistent application of RAG ratings.
- PMs to consider when Elected Members should have sight of projects to assist budget decision-making.
Key Messages
- PMs to consider requirements to get projects on track.
- PMs to review funding needs to deliver project and deliver further benefits.
- Project documentation to be refreshed ensuring milestones are realistic and achievable.
Next Communities Board: 2 February 2021