Update from Project Management Group – September 2021
With just over six months before the planned transfer of Trust services to Falkirk Council, this joint Council/Trust update reports that good initial progress has been made in planning for this large and complex project.
It is acknowledged that the transfer of Trust services to the three Council service areas may have caused some concern amongst Council and Trust staff and we recognise that such a change may result in uncertainty over the coming months. We intend to minimise such concerns through regular dialogue with all affected staff, by communicating with Trust customers and consulting with union representatives.
Trust staff have already received formal notification of the Council’s decisions, which had been preceded by a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ communication to alleviate any initial fears on job security. This update is intended to provide all staff with a statement of intent from Senior Officers of the Council and the Trust confirming our joint commitment to communicate regularly on the transfer process and subsequent progress being made in planning for the implementation of the transfer by 1 April 2022.
Many staff from the Council and Trust have already met to consider and collate all relevant information that may need to be legally amended such as lease documents, inventory of Trust assets, identification of data sets and so on. Similarly, early discussions between senior staff have taken place to enhance existing good working relationships and develop specific workstreams that will help ensure a smooth transfer of services.
A lot of work is involved in this process and that cannot be underestimated. The Trust has only in recent months been in a position to re-open its services to the local community and business recovery is at a crucial period in this financial year. The Council too is still dealing with the impacts of Covid, undergoing internal restructuring and continuing and accelerating its programme of service transformation in a very challenging financial environment. Nevertheless, we are both committed to delivering an effective transfer of services, on 1 April next year.
Terms and conditions of transferring Trust staff are protected as part of this transition. Every consideration is also being given to the way in which Trust staff work , within a Council environment, to ensure this remains as stimulating as the current arrangements. With change comes opportunity, and the conditions within which we operate are such that both organisations coming together provides us with the chance to think differently, with both the Council and the Trust having particular areas of strength from which both can learn.
Further updates will be provided on a regular basis and your line manager will keep you as up to date as possible with any developments over the coming months.
We look forward to your continued co-operation in working ever closer together.