
Agreement has now been reached with SJC, Craft and Chief Officer Trade Unions on the 2021 pay award.     

The agreement covers the period from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022.

The agreements means:

  • An increase in the Scottish Local Government Living Wage rate to £9.78 per hour
  • An £850 increase in salary for all those who earn £25,000 or less
  • A 2% increase for those earning more than £25,000 and up to £40,000
  • A 1% increase for those earning more than £40,000 and up to £80,000
  • An £800 flat rate increase in salary for all those earning over £80,000 annually

Under the agreement, backpay will be calculated and paid for the additional 3 month period from January to March 2021. As with all pay, any backpay will be subject to NI, tax and pension deductions.

We are currently working on implementing the new rates and backpay. Given the early Christmas payrun, it is intended that the new rates and backpay will be processed and paid in January 2022 salaries.

Further information will be provided to employees in receipt of Universal Credit who may be adversely affected by the pay award and backdated pay as soon as this is available.