Latest update

Short-term lets Legislation approved

Legislation has now been approved by the Scottish Parliament requiring all Local Authorities to establish a short-term licensing scheme by October 2022.  Existing hosts and operators will have until 1 April 2023 to apply for a licence for each property that they operate as a short-term let. All short-term lets in Scotland will have to be licensed by 1 July 2024.  See Licensing short-term lets for more information.

The Short-term lets licensing scheme falls within the remit of our Licensing Section.  If you are an operator of Short Term Lets, please get in touch with us at:

Update on Energy Efficiency ratings

Scottish Government have published the Heat in Buildings Strategy - achieving net zero emissions in Scotland's buildings.  This confirms that the previous standard of an EPC D by 2025 has changed.  Consultation is planned for summer 2022 which will propose an EPC standard of C by 2025.  It will outline compliance at certain trigger points with full compliance by 2028.

Pilot Tenants Survey and future consultations

During 2022, we plan to pilot an optional survey to private rented occupants.  The survey will ask private tenants to confirm necessary safety certification is in place and allow them sign up for forthcoming private rented sector consultations and private sector mailings.

The survey will be arranged on a postcode basis.  We will update our What’s New page before the letters go out.  Please contact us if you have any queries. 

Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategies (LHEES)

Through LHEES the Scottish Government are driving area-based delivery and planning of the heat transition in a move to achieve emission reduction targets.  The strategies are long term plans for decarbonising heat in buildings and improving energy efficiency across the Falkirk council area.  The council will:

  • Set out how homes and domestic buildings need to change to achieve zero GHG emissions and poor energy efficiency.
  • Identify zones for heat decarbonisation and set key measures for reducing emissions. These zones will then be used as a basis for further development.
  • Prioritise areas for investment including private sector buildings and through public delivery schemes.

The Energy & Climate Change Team at Falkirk council have been undertaking work regarding LHEES.  So far this has involved gathering relevant stakeholders both internal and external to the council and beginning to pull together a communication/engagement plan.  The team plan to present at the next landlord forum to advise on how LHEES will have an impact on private and social landlords.

Section 11

If you are thinking about or taking court action for recovery of your property due to rent arrears you must tell Falkirk Council through a section 11 notice. The section 11 legal duty does not interfere with the management of your properties or the eviction process.  The Section 11 notice can be found on our Landlord Registration page along with links to further information.

If you feel that your tenant could benefit from support, there is a range of support available, contact our Tenancy Support Service which can offer support to your tenants to sustain their tenancy.

Debt Advice:

It’s free, independent, strictly confidential.  We can:

  • review income, essential expenditure, debts and negotiate with tenants on your behalf to help work out affordable rent arrears repayment plans
  • advise on benefit and tax credits or other ways of increasing tenants’ incomes
  • offer mediation to resolve issues
  • provide early housing options assistance to prevent homelessness
  • support tenants in a planned way where homelessness cannot be avoided