The Council's Housing Need and Demand Assessment has been appraised by the Scottish Government (Centre for Housing Market Analysis) as robust and credible. The document and supporting papers are available below:

Housing Need and Demand Assessment 2022
Appendix 1 Housing Market Refresh
Appendix 2 HNDA Tool Methodology

The following table displays two years of average house prices in Falkirk categorised by build type: detached, semi-detached, terraced, flat, and unassigned properties. Highlighting the trends and variations in prices across different housing types.

Date Detached Semi-Detached Terraced Flat Unassigned All House Types
2022-23 Q1 313,350 190,624 148,003 107,688 209,193 182,174
2022-23 Q2 314,548 194,088 141,412 103,224 219,468 178,946
2022-23 Q3 325,379 183,690 153,695 96,593 285,263 185,052
2022-23 Q4 326,000 176,992 153,106 90,610 240,636 182,803
2023-24 Q1 296,043 188,913 144,787 95,642 282,848 174,238
2023-24 Q2 320,416 194,029 150,674 102,180 293,023 190,495
2023-24 Q3 329,588 195,611 145,873 97,333 295,214 190,800
2023-24 Q4 313,341 185,595 151,789 102,537 253,290 180,093