Submission History: Notice of Motion Frank's Law Council notes that, currently, legislation enables personal care to be provide free for people in Scotland aged over 65, provided they are assessed as needing it. Of the 85,807 dementia sufferers in Scotland 3,201 are under the age of 65 and therefore not entitles to the help. Council commends the campaign by Mrs Amanda Kopel - "Frank's Law" - to requests that the Scottish Government extend free personal care to anyone under the age of 65 who requires such care for their dementia, motor neurone disease, parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, cancer, progressive supranuclear palsy (or any other degenerative brain disease). Council therefore instructs the Chief Executive to write to the First Minister requesting her to consider the introduction of a "Frank's Law" so that free personal care is extended to under 65s as set out above. Proposed by Councillor D Goldie Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Notice of Motion Frank's Law Council notes that, currently, legislation enables personal care to be provide free for people in Scotland aged over 65, provided they are assessed as needing it. Of the 85,807 dementia sufferers in Scotland 3,201 are under the age of 65 and therefore not entitles to the help. Council commends the campaign by Mrs Amanda Kopel - "Frank's Law" - to requests that the Scottish Government extend free personal care to anyone under the age of 65 who requires such care for their dementia, motor neurone disease, parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, cancer, progressive supranuclear palsy (or any other degenerative brain disease). Council therefore instructs the Chief Executive to write to the First Minister requesting her to consider the introduction of a "Frank's Law" so that free personal care is extended to under 65s as set out above. Proposed by Councillor D Goldie".

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Falkirk Council 21/09/2016 Click here