Submission History: Communal Repairs Council to note:- (1) the concerns of some of my constituents asked to pay large bills following common repairs where the Council is also an owner and that these repairs take place across the district; (2) that these large bills can be difficult to pay for some owners particularly where they are retired; (3) that the options currently provided for in the Scheme of Assistance do not include the option to defer payment eg through a charging order to the point where the property is sold or the owner passes on; (4) that this option has previously been used in the past for example on repairs in the high flats; I ask Council to agree that the Acting Director of Housing reviews the current Scheme of Assistance with a view to considering whether deferred payment can be used in these circumstances and if so what the cost would be and reports back to a future meeting of Council. Proposed by Provost Buchanan Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Communal Repairs Council to note:- (1) the concerns of some of my constituents asked to pay large bills following common repairs where the Council is also an owner and that these repairs take place across the district; (2) that these large bills can be difficult to pay for some owners particularly where they are retired; (3) that the options currently provided for in the Scheme of Assistance do not include the option to defer payment eg through a charging order to the point where the property is sold or the owner passes on; (4) that this option has previously been used in the past for example on repairs in the high flats; I ask Council to agree that the Acting Director of Housing reviews the current Scheme of Assistance with a view to considering whether deferred payment can be used in these circumstances and if so what the cost would be and reports back to a future meeting of Council. Proposed by Provost Buchanan".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Falkirk Council 30/03/2022 Click here