Submission History: Royal Hotel Building Slamannan Falkirk Council recognises that the Royal Hotel Building in Main Street in Slamannan has been closed for some time and is in a poor state of repair. Its appearance reflects poorly on the village and Elected Members are keen to see action taken to resolve this situation. Officers are asked to bring a report back to Council that considers this matter - including potential purchase - and makes recommendations on the best way forward. Proposed by Councillor Brown Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Royal Hotel Building Slamannan Falkirk Council recognises that the Royal Hotel Building in Main Street in Slamannan has been closed for some time and is in a poor state of repair. Its appearance reflects poorly on the village and Elected Members are keen to see action taken to resolve this situation. Officers are asked to bring a report back to Council that considers this matter - including potential purchase - and makes recommendations on the best way forward. Proposed by Councillor Brown".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Falkirk Council 27/10/2022 Click here