Submission History: Affordable Housing "Council recognised that as a result of the economic down turn the current quota system for the provision of affordable housing by the private sector has not delivered the number of units anticipated. With the private sector house building industry predicting that it could take up to 10 years to recover as a result there are fewer houses available or affordable for those in need. Council therefore agrees that all housing developments of ten or more properties must have an element of affordable housing contained within it. Council therefore instructs officers to bring forward a paper on the mechanism to ensure that housing private providers provide a higher percentage of affordable housing than is currently being delivered across Falkirk District." Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Affordable Housing "Council recognised that as a result of the economic down turn the current quota system for the provision of affordable housing by the private sector has not delivered the number of units anticipated. With the private sector house building industry predicting that it could take up to 10 years to recover as a result there are fewer houses available or affordable for those in need. Council therefore agrees that all housing developments of ten or more properties must have an element of affordable housing contained within it. Council therefore instructs officers to bring forward a paper on the mechanism to ensure that housing private providers provide a higher percentage of affordable housing than is currently being delivered across Falkirk District."".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Falkirk Council 15/06/2010 Click here