Submission History: PVG Scheme Membership In March 2012, Council agreed that the cost of PVG membership for members of the Council's Education and Social Care Committees would be spread across the whole Council. This principle was broadly acceptable to all sides as both committees were selected on a proportional basis. However, the scrapping of proportionality for the Executive Committee is required for, means that the SNP have paid 41% of the cost of the PVG membership but have only 16% of the places on the committee. Council agrees that this is clearly unfair, a subsidy for the Administration and therefore agrees to calculate the PVG membership on the basis of Executive Committee membership and refund the balance to groups overcharged for this session. Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "PVG Scheme Membership In March 2012, Council agreed that the cost of PVG membership for members of the Council's Education and Social Care Committees would be spread across the whole Council. This principle was broadly acceptable to all sides as both committees were selected on a proportional basis. However, the scrapping of proportionality for the Executive Committee is required for, means that the SNP have paid 41% of the cost of the PVG membership but have only 16% of the places on the committee. Council agrees that this is clearly unfair, a subsidy for the Administration and therefore agrees to calculate the PVG membership on the basis of Executive Committee membership and refund the balance to groups overcharged for this session.".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Falkirk Council 25/09/2013 Click here