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Nearly two people a day die by suicide in Scotland.

Most people who die by suicide don’t want to die.  They want to stop the pain and difficulties they are experiencing.

Suicide can affect anyone.  Even people who don’t take their own life are affected by the loss of a brother, sister, parent, son, daughter, spouse or friend.

Approximately three out of four people who die by suicide are men. 

If you think someone might be contemplating suicide the best thing you can do is talk to them.  One of the hardest things for people to overcome is the stigma attached to suicide.  Most people who are thinking about suicide will try to let someone know. 

If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide you can get help:

Breathing Space Ph: 0800 838587 (Mon – Thurs:  6pm to 2am & Friday 6pm to Mon 6am)

Samaritians Ph: 116 123 (24 hours a day)

You can find out more about suicide prevention in Scotland through the NHS’s Choose Life Campaign.