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Why does Falkirk Council want to know your equality information and where does all this information go?

As a local authority employer we have an obligation to employees to provide a safe environment free from discrimination.

We know the benefits of a diverse workforce and want to promote and improve our demographics and diversity. We want all employees to succeed irrespective of protected characteristics. If there are barriers and challenges, then we need to know about these and take action to see what we can do to remove barriers and provide an environment free from discrimination.

To do this successfully, we need information. We know that some people worry about giving personal information. The information we collect is confidential and linked to your employee ID. We hold your information on our HR system and only report on numbers and never names. However, there are strict laws to ensure we protect your details and very few employees have access to this confidential information. We publish equality information on our Mainstreaming Report.

When asked for information, there is a "prefer not to say" option. However, more information helps us to make things better, so we encourage you to answer the questions if you feel able. You can go on to MyView to see or update your own personal details at any time.

If you're concerned about how we collect or use your data you can contact the HR Helpdesk and your concerns will be dealt with in an impartial way.

Remember, everyone is asked the same questions, so please help us to help you! Why not log on to MyView today and click on the My Personal Details section to check and update your equality information.