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This course will provide nominated employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure they understand the responsibilities of being a Fire Warden and how to ensure they comply with fire safety legislation.

This course will ensure that the nominated employees better understand the general day to day role of being a Fire Warden, and their responsibilities when the fire alarm activates and/or when a fire occurs.

Certification for this course last 3 years.

  1. Classroom Session:
  • Introduction to the role of the Fire Warden.
  • Fire legislation.
  • The fire triangle.
  • Classification of fires.
  • Common causes of fire and ignition sources.
  • How fire/smoke spreads.
  • Good housekeeping.
  • Waste management issues.
  • Fire safety management.
  • Fire detection.
  • Firefighting equipment.
  • Fire extinguisher selection.
  • Means of escape.
  • Special arrangements for staff with disabilities and visitors.
  • Action to be taken on hearing a fire alarm.
  • Emergency/evacuation procedures.
  • Information required by the Fire Service on arrival.
  • Fire Warden examination - confirm learning.
  1. Practical Sessions:
  • Training in the safe use of Fire Fighting equipment.
  • Training in the safe use of Fire Evacuation Chair/Sled.
Course Date(s)

15 August 2024

30 September 2024

28 November 2024

27 February 2025

01 April 2025

Venue  Various Locations
Cost £70