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See Something, Say Something

Falkirk Council aims to provide excellent public service, and is committed to a culture of honesty, integrity, and propriety.  Each pound lost to fraud or financial irregularity represents a loss to the public purse and impacts on our ability to provide services to people who need them.  The Council, therefore, has a zero tolerance to fraud and corruption.


New employees are expected to attend a Corporate Fraud session where the Corporate Fraud Team will disseminate information on our policies, procedures, guidance, and emerging trends.  The Fraud Investigators will highlight how their role, and your alertness as Council employees, is vital in reducing the risk and impact of fraud within the Council.  This session will also cover all aspects of how to report suspicions via the Whistleblowing Line and outline the choices around anonymity as a potential whistleblower.


26 April 2024

To register your interest in this course, please complete the Corporate Induction booking form below: