Acceptance of the SJC and CO pay awards was confirmed in December 2023. The Council had already implemented the pay rates from the original circular and backdated the April 2023 element of the award in the November payroll. The final circular meant there was a further uplift for those on point 34 and above of the SJC scale, excluding points 44 and 45. The arrears for those points due the further uplift have been processed in the January 2024 pay. Points 44 and 45 received the full % increase due in the original circular and the appropriate arrears were paid in November 2023.
The updated salary rates can be found at the link below:
Terms & Conditions of Service - Pay and benefits
Employees can check their scale point and salary history information in MyView by following the steps below:
- Click on the account button found in the top right hand corner of the main dashboard

- Click on View My Details
- Click on the drop down arrow next to Appointment History
- Your current post(s) will appear at the top of the list, click on the drop down arrow next to this
- Information relating to your post holding will appear including start dates, pay grade, hours
- To see more detailed pay grade information click on the i button next to Pay grade
- A history of your pay grade changes will appear
- The drop down arrows can be used to see the scale point value and rate information
The Craft pay award was processed in full in December 2023. No further arrears are due in January.
A link to the new standby and call out rates can be found below:
Terms & Conditions of Service - Allowances
There have also been changes to National Insurance rates. From 6 January 2024 the main rate of employee National Insurance reduced by 2% from 12% to 10%. This was announced by the Chancellor in the 2023 Autumn statement. Detailed information on this can be found at the following link:
Autumn Statement 2023: National Insurance Factsheet - GOV.UK (