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Falkirk Council tenants are being asked to nominate local heroes for the Good Neighbour Award.

The Falkirk Good Neighbour Award recognises those who go the extra mile to help others.


Whether it is an act of kindness during the pandemic or small deeds over a number of years, the Housing Services team wants to hear about it.

In the past people have nominated their neighbours for keeping their area tidy, helping elderly and vulnerable people with shopping, or helping with household chores.

Someone handing over a prescription

Past nominees have helped with household chores and picking up prescriptions for those shielding

Nominate a neighbour

If you have a neighbour who has gone the extra mile, you can nominate them by emailing our Housing Services team with a brief description of why they deserve the award:

Rewards are given to winners and those who nominate can have a say in what the prize may be.