Locality planning is when local communities work together with public and third sector organisations to improve residents’ lives and the areas they live in. Through locality planning we are encouraging public and community participation in making decisions which affect local communities such as improvement to local services, public buildings and facilities.
Why Locality Planning?
Locality Planning is outlined in the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 as a way for Community Planning Partners to tackle inequality in a targeted and cohesive manner for communities facing disadvantage. It allows local people to participate in service planning for their own communities, and allows public services to make better use of their resources by working together.
Locality planning also means that we will be able to engage more effectively with local communities about how they can help support the services that are important to them.
The partners involved in this process include:
- Falkirk Council
- Falkirk Community Trust
- NHS Forth Valley
- Forth Valley College
- Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership
- Police Scotland
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
- CVS Falkirk
- Skills Development Scotland
- Local community groups and residents
Where are the Localities?
There are three localities in the Falkirk Council area:
- East Locality (Bo'ness and Blackness, Grangemouth and Upper Braes)
- Central Locality (Falkirk North, Falkirk South and Lower Braes)
- West Locality (Denny and Banknock, Bonnybridge and Carse, Kinnaird and Tryst)
Each locality has around 50,000 residents.
Locality planning started in the East Locality, with focused work currently taking place in Grangemouth; locality consultation has now also taken place in the West Locality with focused work taking place in Denny, Dunipace and Dennyloanhead; and work in the Central Locality will take place in late 2019. For more information please see the pages for each locality.
How does it work?
In order to identify which community will undertake community planning at a neighbourhood level, an extensive data report is completed to identify the key issues and service needs for each town or area within the locality using the following information:
- Data and analysis held by community planning partners
- Knowledge of public sector practitioners
- Existing community intelligence such as community enquiries and surveys
Once each place within the locality has been assessed and data has been analysed, each place with a greater need will be looked at in more detail, and partners will work with local communities to create a Community Action Plan, which will explore how services can be delivered in a more joined-up and effective way.
How can I get involved?
Community Action Planning
Community Action Planning Groups look at community intelligence, partner evidence and professional knowledge to identify local issues which need targeted support and training or capacity building measures.
Community Action Planning is currently taking place in Grangemouth in the East Locality; and Denny, Dennyloanhead and Dunipace in the West Locality.
If you are interested in getting involved or want to know more please contact: