The Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Framework for Elected Members in Scottish Local Government has been developed by the Improvement Service in consultation with local authorities.

The Framework is based on 10 political skills which are underpinned by 55 behaviours. It is flexible enough to accommodate the different levels of experience and seniority of members and focuses on behaviours ie the way in which Elected Members display and practice the skills that they have.

Behaviours can be learned or acquired by virtue of increasing experience, gaining knowledge and participating in development opportunities.

Key stages for the CPD Framework for Elected Members

The key stages for the CPD Framework for Elected Members are:

  • Completion of an on-line development profile which involves self assessment against each of the 55 behaviours. There is also the opportunity to participate in 360 degree feedback

  • Production of a development report which summarises the self assessment and, where relevant, 360 degree feedback, and which highlights strengths and development areas

  • A personal development planning meeting to develop a Personal Development Plan

  • Access to the CPD Framework Development Programme containing a range of development resources in line with Council policy on Elected Member training

  • A CPD Framework review meeting to discuss progress.