All children and young people have the right to be protected and kept safe from harm. We all have a responsibility to try to make sure this happens.

We use the Scottish Government's framework, called Getting it Right for Every Child, to help us identify children who may need our help.

Looked after children

We have legal duties and powers to safeguard and promote the welfare and young people in need.

We work with children and young people and their families on a voluntary basis whenever we can.

When this isn't possible, a Children's Hearing may have to impose a Compulsory Supervision Order. This may result in the child being looked after at home or looked after away from home.

Looked after at home

This is where children who are the subject of a Compulsory Supervision Order by a Children's Hearing, but remain at home with their families.

Looked after away from home

This is where we, or the Children's Hearing, have placed a child or young person with:

  • Foster carers
  • In a residential setting
  • With relatives or friends