Youth Justice is about giving advice, support and opportunities to young people who display difficult and challenging behaviours. We aim to help them change their behaviour and remain safely in their community.

We work with other organisations to provide specialist services which divert young people from any activities that place them and others at risk.

The services we provide to vulnerable young people are available in a tiered system. The tiered approach makes sure that young people get the right help and support at the right time to meet their needs and that they are directed away from antisocial and offending behaviour.

Tier one - Preventative services

Tier one services are accessible to all young people. They help young people to develop skills and interests which protect them from becoming involved in antisocial and offending behaviour.

Services in this tier include:

  • Leisure Services
  • Community Education
  • Health Services
  • Voluntary Sector Services

The services in this tier are designed for young people who are involved in low level antisocial or offending behaviour.

Services in this tier are:

  • Children & Families Services
  • Early & Effective Intervention (EEI) referral service
  • SACRO Youth Justice Service

For Early & Effective Intervention (EEI) referral service, please contact

For SACRO Youth Justice Service please contact:

Shirley Findlay
Service Manager South West Scotland

Tier three - Intermediate services

Tier Three contains specialist offending services for young people who have developed a pattern of offending or are involved in behaviour which places themselves and others at risk.

Some of the services in this tier can be accessed through the Early & Effective Intervention (EEI) Referral Group.

Tier three services include:

  • Children & Families Teams
  • Restorative Justice

For Restorative Justice, please contact:

Shirley Findlay
Service Manager South West Scotland

Tier four - Intensive services

This tier contains services for young people involved in serious or repetitive offending. Young people in this tier are considered to be a high risk to themselves and others. They need therapeutic and intensive services.

Services in this tier include:

  • Connect Services for Young People

For Connect Services for Young People , please contact:

Connect offers help and support to young people who are having problems because of their offending behaviour, including violent or harmful sexual behaviour.

Young people can be referred to the service if they are between 12 and 18 years of age.

For more information on risk assessment tools