1. Table of contents

Household, van or commercial type vehicle e-permits

Why are you introducing an e-permit to visit the recycling centres?

The e-permit system will:

  • alert residents to peak times at the recycling centres
  • lead to fewer and shorter queues
  • offer a faster and more efficient turnaround on site
  • ensure residents' safety is put first.

What is an e-permit?

Sample QR code

An e-permit allows you to book your vehicle to attend one of our recycling centres to dispose of your household waste.

Following a successful time slot booking being made, you will receive an electronically generated QR (quick response) code. Each e-permit issued is unique and will contain your information and a unique reference (QR code) number.

You must make a separate booking for each site visit you plan to make.

For household e-permits, there is no limit to the amount of visits you can make per financial year (01 April – 31 March).

For commercial or van type e-permits, there is a limit of 10 visits per financial year (01 April – 31 March).

You will need a household e-permit or a van or commercial e-permit if you plan to bring household waste to the recycling centre.

Don't forget to bring proof of residency and ID with you.

How do I apply for a household waste e-permit?

From 03 April 2023 you need to apply for an e-permit before you visit a recycling centre.

You will receive your household waste e-permit at the time of application and will receive it electronically to a smart device, such as a mobile phone.

If you visit the recycling centre without an e-permit, be aware that there may be a delay in accessing the recycling centre to enable an e-permit to be completed/issued.

When you apply, select which site you want to visit ie either Roughmute or Kinneil Kerse. You cannot make a booking for Roughmute and visit Kinneil recycling centre. The QR code issued will detail which site you have applied to visit.

What information is needed to request a household e-permit?

You will be asked to provide or advise on the following:

  • vehicle registration number
  • if registration is unknown, such as for a hired van*, the hire company detail will be accepted
  • address of where the waste originated
  • whether you intend to bring a trailer
  • the types of waste you are bringing

* Where you are intending to hire a vehicle, the hire company papers must be produced when visiting the recycling centre.

How quickly can I get a household waste e-permit?

You will receive your e-permit at the time of application and will receive it electronically to a smart device, such as a mobile phone.

Can I get an e-permit for my vehicle type?

You can get a household waste permit if you have one of the following vehicle types:

  • Domestic vehicle (family car, estate car, MPV)
  • People carrier
  • 4x4 with windows and seats in the back
  • Any vehicle with 9-16 seats eg motorhome, campervan or mini bus

For commercial or van type e-permits, there is a limit of 10 visits per financial year (01 April – 31 March). This applies to the following type of vehicles:

  • Car style pick up without rear seats
  • Trade vehicle, hired vehicle or van.
  • 4x4 with no rear seats and no side windows.
  • Livestock carrying vehicle, agricultural vehicle.
  • Vehicle not greater than 3.5 tonnes GVW and/or longer than 20ft (6M).
  • Any vehicle with commercial or trade waste.

If you have a van/commercial vehicle and are bringing trade waste to the recycling centres you will need a Small Traders e-permit.

How will I receive the QR code for the e-permit?

Once you have successfully completed your application for a time slot to visit one of our recycling centres, a unique QR code will be generated. This QR code must be presented when visiting the recycling centres at your allocated time. At the time of booking you can take a screenshot of the QR code or present the confirmation email detailing the QR code on your phone, or print a copy of the QR code in advance of your visit. Your unique QR code will be scanned on site, confirming the date and time that you have chosen to visit.

How many household waste e-permits can I apply for?

There is no limit on the number of household e-permits you can apply for. Each time you want to visit the recycling centre, you will need to apply for an e-permit.

How many visits can I make in one day?

If you are generating a household e-permit, you can visit the recycling centres as many times as you wish, but you will need to make a new booking for each visit.

If you are generating a commercial or van type e-permit, there is a limit of 10 visits per financial year (01 April – 31 March).

You may be asked about the origin of your waste. This is routinely done to check that your waste is compliant with our Site Licence and is a check to ensure that waste being deposited originates in Falkirk.

Can other people in my house also get household waste e-permits?

Yes, anyone in your household can apply.

I am applying for an e-permit on behalf of someone else. Do I complete the application in my name and address or theirs?

You will complete the application with the name and address of where the waste is originating from - and enter the registration of the vehicle being used. The person who the waste belongs to should be present in the vehicle at the recycling site and have their photo ID and proof of address available.

Can I apply for a household waste e-permit on behalf of someone I am paying to conduct work on my behalf eg builder, plumber, gardener?

No. Waste that has been produced in connection with a business is classed as commercial waste.

I am hiring a van. Can I apply for a household waste e-permit without the vehicle details?

Yes. You need to input the hire company's name and the reference number given from the hire company when you hire their vehicle when you apply for the e-permit. You must show your Hire Agreement Contract document when arriving at the recycling centre in a rented vehicle.

How do I use my household waste e-permit?

Your e-permit will be issued electronically to a smart device such as a mobile phone. You can also print the e-permit and take it along to the recycling centre.

When you visit the recycling centre, show your permit to site staff who will validate it with a QR code scanner.

Do I need to take the household waste e-permit to the recycling centre with me?

Yes. You won't be granted access to the recycling centre without your e-permit. The e-permit and your ID must be produced and verified before entry will be authorised.

Can I use my household waste e-permit at any Falkirk Council recycling centre?

No – it is unique to the site you are visiting. At the time of application, you will be asked which site you prefer, along with a date and time of your visit, this will appear on your issued e-permit.

Can I visit the recycling centre without an e-permit?

Everybody visiting the recycling centres must request an e-permit for a specific time and date. If you turn up at the recycling centre without an e-permit you will not be permitted to access the site.

I am hiring a car, can I apply for an e-permit without the vehicle details?

Yes. You need to input the vehicle company and vehicle hire company reference when you apply for the e-permit. You can obtain e-permits in advance, with the permit being produced electronically to a smart device such as a mobile phone, via MyFalkirk. You must show your Hire Agreement Contract document when arriving onsite in a rented vehicle.

I don't have any form of Photo ID, what can I do?

We acknowledge that some Falkirk residents may not have any photo ID. In this instance, If you have the old paper version of your driving licence we will accept this instead.

I have a European Driving license and the address is not on this document

You will still have to produce valid ID such as either a current driving licence or passport and recent council tax or utility bill if the Recycling Centre Attendant requested.

Can I take whatever waste I want to the recycling centre now without it being approved by someone at the council?

We reserve the right to deny access, for example if you have incorrect personal information or suspected commercial trader.

Our system will alert us if multiple e-permit applications are requested and items of the same waste type are regularly being taken to our recycling centres. This allows us to monitor, query and reject applications if deemed necessary.

Site operatives may also reject your e-permit at site if they are not satisfied the waste is from your own household or suspect that you have provided incorrect information. It is important to check all details on your application are correct and that you have read the recycling centre guidance in advance of making a booking.

What if I drive a vehicle with a trailer, will I need an e-permit?

Yes. As part of the e-permit application process you will be asked to indicate if you are accessing the recycling centre as a vehicle and trailer.

Can I cancel my e-permit if I'm unable to visit the recycling centre on the date booked?

Yes. On your booking confirmation email there is a section "unable to attend" where you can cancel your e-permit. You will be directed to a web page for confirmation advising your booking has been cancelled.

If I have a disability, can I request assistance when visiting the recycling centre?

Disability blue badge holders visiting our recycling centres are entitled to additional assistance to ensure they can access services safely and conveniently. Staff at the recycling centres are trained to provide support, including guidance on where to deposit waste and help with unloading items when necessary.

To receive assistance, Blue Badge holders should display their badge clearly upon arrival and notify staff of their needs. Recycling centres are committed to creating an inclusive environment and ensuring that all users, regardless of ability, can effectively utilise the facilities while maintaining their independence.

Vans, pick-up trucks and commercial vehicle access

If you drive a van, pick up truck or other commercial vehicle, and intend using the recycling centres to dispose of your own household waste, you need to obtain a household waste e-permit.

There is no charge for household waste e-permits, and an e-permit is required for each visit.

There is a restriction of 10 visits per financial year (April to March). The quota of 10 applies to the whole household, not an individual.

You are not allowed to avoid the e-permit scheme by parking outside the site and carrying the waste in as a pedestrian, due to the risk to your safety. You cannot use a household waste e-permit with a vehicle which is banned from the site such as agricultural vehicles, vehicles greater than 3.5 tonnes, horse wagons, very large vans/lorries and similar.

Please note: This is different to Trade waste permits. Disposal of waste generated by tradespersons or from commercial premises is not accepted with a household waste e-permit.

How many commercial or van e-permits can I apply for?

A maximum of 10 commercial / van e-permits are available to each household for each financial year (01 April to 31 March). Each time you want to visit the recycling centre, you need to apply for an e-permit.

When you have used your quota of 10, you will not be able to apply for any more until the following financial year (April to March).

How can I get rid of my waste if I can't have a commercial or van e-permit?

If you have used up your allowance of 10 visits per financial year (April to March), there are various options available to you.

Other options (charges may apply):

Can I use all my commercial or van e-permits up at once?

Yes, but when you have used your allowance of 10 e-permits, you will need to wait until the following financial year (April to March) until your allowable allocation is renewed.

Trade waste

If you are a Small Trader who is based at a residential property or runs your business from a vehicle, you can only use the recycling centres by purchasing a Small Traders Tipping Permit.

How to buy a trade waste permit

Permits can be purchased online The maximum vehicle size permitted is gross 3.5 tonnes.