School transport can be provided for a child who has learning, behavioural or physical difficulties.

Medical transport can also be provided on a short term basis for a child who has an injury that causes mobility difficulties. The school can submit a request for short term transport to the Transport Planning Unit.

You can download the leaflet below.

Transport for pupils with additional support needs

For more information, please contact us:

Frequently asked questions

  1. How do I apply for transport for a child with Additional Support Needs?
  2. Are escorts provided?
  3. Are school transport drivers and escorts vetted?
  4. Will school transport run during periods of bad weather?

How do I apply for transport for a child with Additional Support Needs?

Please speak with your child’s head teacher or the manager of your child’s school or nursery. They will make your request for you.

Are escorts provided?

We will provide an escort if a child’s needs require one.

Are school transport drivers and escorts vetted?

Yes. All drivers of school transport vehicles and escorts are vetted under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme.

Will school transport run during periods of bad weather?

The driver will use his/her judgment about the safety of the roads in bad weather. If a morning journey is abandoned due to weather or road conditions, children will be returned to the pick-up point into the care of a parent or emergency contact.