We provide a School Crossing Patrol facility to make sure children attending primary school cross roads going to and returning home from school safely. Not all schools have a school crossing patrol facility as criteria must be met before a school gets a patrol.

Advice for Parents

Even where a School Crossing Patrol is provided, it is important to remember that parents remain responsible for their child's safety. We, as a council, are not responsible for the safety of children for their whole journey to and from school where a School Crossing Patrol is provided. The responsibility for ensuring the safety of children travelling to and from school is a parental one.

Parents can help the School Crossing Patrol (SCP) by:

  • Teaching your child to wait on the pavement, to listen carefully and follow instructions from the SCP
  • Teaching your child to cross in front of the SCP
  • Making sure that your child behaves and does not distract the SCP
  • Teaching your child to dismount from their bicycle or scooter before crossing the road
  • Setting a good example yourself at the SCP point

Frequently asked questions

  1. Can a SCP cross adults?
  2. Should SCPs have full uniform on?
  3. My child attends a school which does not have a SCP. I think there should be one at the school. What do I do?
  4. I have a concern about the SCP on duty. Who do I contact?
  5. Can I apply to become a SCP? Am I too old?

Can a SCP cross adults?

Yes, an on duty SCP can cross anyone who asks.

Should SCPs have full uniform on?

Yes, full uniform must be worn at all times. To legally stop traffic, a SCP must be wearing a high visibility coat and hat and display the ‘STOP’ sign.

My child attends a school which does not have a SCP. I think there should be one at the school. What do I do?

Requests for SCPs are made by the primary schools or by parent councils. If you have concerns, you should contact your child’s primary school.

I have a concern about the SCP on duty. Who do I contact?

Contact the School Crossing Patrol Supervisor by emailing transportplanning@falkirk.gov.uk or by calling 01324 504971.

Can I apply to become a SCP? Am I too old?

Anyone over the age of 18 can apply to become a SCP. There is no upper age limit as long as you are medically fit. Any vacancies we have will be advertised on our vacancies page.