Latest update
Header image for article 6920

Due to the recent changes to the Scottish Government guidance on COVID-19 our employee information is currently being updated.  Whilst these updates are occurring the following advice now applies. 

This update does not apply to employees working within schools or early learning centres, as separate guidance applies, and information has already been issued to these areas.

Working from Home

Wherever possible employees should continue to work from home.  Front facing rolls can begin to return to the workplace with a move to the Anytime Anywhere occupancy level of 50% capacity in effect from now.

Employees who aren’t in front facing roles, but for work or personal reasons need some office space, should discuss this with their manager.  A small number of hotdesking facilities are being set up in different locations.      


Employees who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms must still self-isolate and get a PCR test.  Employees receiving a positive result must still self-isolate for 10 days from the start of their symptoms or date of test if the person has no symptoms.

Employees who are identified as a close contact more than 2 weeks after receiving their second dose of COVID-19 vaccination must isolate and get a PCR test.  If this is negative, they no longer need to self-isolate.  All other employees identified as a close contact must self-isolate for 10 regardless of the outcome of a PCR test.  

Furthermore, detailed manager and employee checklists will be issued shortly to support this process.  Please note there is additional criteria for frontline Health & Social Care Partnership employees which supersedes the general population guidance.

Physical Distancing 

Excluding schools and early learning centres, employees no longer legally need to observe the 1m physical distancing indoors.  However, in line with Scottish Government guidance, everyone is encouraged to continue to keep a reasonable distance between themselves and others.  Where possible everyone should maintain 1m distancing, particularly in crowded spaces.

Room layouts and workstations should be adjusted to encourage distancing between employees.

COVID risk assessments should be updated to remove references to the 1m or 2m distances previously in effect for physical distancing, although it should continue to be encouraged. Other interventions to support physical distancing such as screens, staggered break times, one way system can be continued.

Signage indicating specific distances for physical distancing should be removed and replaced with generic signage to encourage employees to keep their distance.  Where updated generic signage is needed, please contact

Work related travel

Guidance continues to advise against unnecessary work-related travel with an emphasis on keeping people safe when they do need to travel between locations. Employees should continue to follow the existing guidance on work related travel at this time.


Work areas should continue to ensure there is adequate ventilation.  In most cases this means ensuring windows are open when rooms are occupied.  Employees working within offices or enclosed spaces should be reminded of this.


Current cleaning arrangements are to be continued.

Face coverings

Face coverings must be worn by employees and visitors (excluding those with an exemption) in any indoor communal area in a workplace and where there are no measures in place to keep people separated by either a partition or distance of at least 1m. 

Health and Social Care staff have their own guidance on PPE and there is separate guidance for school staff. The current arrangements for wearing of face coverings remains unchanged.

Hand hygiene

Access to hand sanitiser and existing washing facilities are to be continued.